Analyzing Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line Planning Factors



For my final GIS project, I analyzed factors involved in planning the Bobwhite-Manatee Transmission Line.

In 2006, Florida Power and Light sent out a letter detailing their planning of the Bobwhite-Manatee transmission line, which crosses the Manatee-Sarasota County border. There were many issues at play in the decision-making process, and here we analyze four of them: impact of the preferred corridor on environmentally-sensitive lands, the homes and privately-owned lands in and near the preferred corridor, the schools within and near the preferred corridor, and the length and resulting cost of the proposed transmission line. GIS is an excellent tool to spatially analyze all these problems, as it allows one to create and quantify visual representations of land and its features. I used the skills learned throughout the Introduction to GIS course to follow similar methods as might have been used by those originally planning this line in order to explore the same factors and come to my own conclusions.


This basemap shows the region studied for the installation of this transmission line, its edges indicated by the dashed lines. The inset shows the study area’s location within Central Florida. As you can see, it occurs primarily in Manatee County but does cross into the northwest section of Sarasota County. The preferred corridor for the line, provided by UWF, is shown in red. Conservation areas are shown in green, and roads are shown in orange.


Throughout this project, I used many tools, including Select Layer by Location, Clip, Buffer, Polygon to Centerline, Calculate Geometry Attributes, and the Field Calculator. It was a thorough exercise in everything I have been taught throughout the past semester. Please check out the links to my powerpoint and transcript to learn more about my process and results! 






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